Paradigm = example = soul (I don’t preach – I share).
This will change/liberate the planet forever, through choice.
I know you are a free thinker.
Integrity – what are we without it?
You are witnessing the might of America’s total support (all government).
It is an honour and a privilege, which means they are totally there for you and I.
Life is about the intensity of a natural high, given sincerity, which is the meaning of life – to access the soul. It takes away violence and drugs.
I, Pat am anti-status anxiety – which will save the planet on many levels = less ego/suffering = more fairness/compassion = liberation.
The spirituality of a humanitarian.
The human condition – every person which walks this earth can relate.
It’s in the dictionary.
Soul = Morality & Emotion
Cause & Effect

Journey Through Life

Time Itself

Gift of Life

Nourishing the Soul

Empathy for Others

Earth’s Star
Through creating choice = evolution which I will en masse – countless millions when I have the camera’s web address, for an entire society to agree and grow (quantified). We effectively slow time down.
=> Introspection => Clarity => Choice => Evolution
As inspiration – women = holistic and nurturing.
=> Grace – that allows man gracious honour.



Earth’s Star
Before man eats the planet.
You are witnessing the might of America’s total support (all government). It is an honour and a privilege.
Anything is possible with peaceable communication, personally and worldwide.
Something modern man missed out on 100 hundred years ago – losing millions of people/souls.
You are resonating that soul all of the time.
You can springboard into any religion you like – Christian, Buddhist – that’s freedom, fine, but for me it’s the spirituality of a humanitarian.
Instead of man striking out (Dark Ages) and realizing that every human on this earth has a soul, and that he realizes that the answers are in his head (his soul). It will take away local and worldwide violence.
= Reciprocated Love
= Worldwide = Profound Love
Heaven and Hell is on the surface of Earth’s Star
This paradigm/example/soul will liberate the world (passively) forever through choice.
You are bearing witness to my integrity/transparency all of the time.
Thank you sincerely, just for bearing witness, as we make history.
America wants this to happen – worldwide liberation, now.
Also, I have a career as an artist. Go to